Coverage Feedback


I’m very new to UVM currently attempting to finish up my first UVM test bench. I currently have a working test bench, though I had a few questions about the functional coverage collectors and how they can be used to influence your tests. In my current test sequence, I’ve just assigned an arbitrary number of random iterations to each sequence in order to reach a desired total coverage %. I was under the impression, that there might be some way to create feedback from your coverage collector to continue a test sequence until you had reached a desired coverage percentage. I notice the coverage doesn’t even seem to be calculated until the test has left the run phase and has moved into the report phase. So my first question is, is there away to implement a coverage feedback loop to continue a test until a desired %coverage has been achieved?

The second question is, when my test bench reports coverage it does so as a total %. Is there any way to not just see this a black box number, and see which bins or coverpoints where not hit such that it would be possible to write a directed test to do so?