Auto generated bins

I am trying to use the verification tracker in Questasim 2019.2 to get coverage figures for bins. However when I use the covergroup below the tool is correctly generating the bins shown in Covergroups and the verification tracker, but it is also auto generating all of the bins and showing them. How do stop the tool from auto generating all of the coverage bins?

  covergroup cg_vals;
     time_cnt	 : coverpoint time_cnt.value[7:0]{
	 bins time_cnt_bin0 = {[0:3]};
	 bins time_cnt_bin1 = {[4:7]};
	 bins time_cnt_bin2 = {[8:11]};
	 bins time_cnt_bin3 = {[12:15]};
	 bins time_cnt_bin4 = {[16:19]};
	 bins time_cnt_bin5 = {[252:255]};		 
             ignore_bins time_cnt_binignore = (20=>251);

In reply to jebaker:

I am not sure you are using the correct terminology since you explicitly defined bins for a coverpoint, there are no auto generated bins.

But in any case, this Mentor/Siemens EDA sponsored public forum is not for discussing tool specific usage or issues. Please read your tool’s user manual or contact your tool vendor directly for support.