OVM 2.0 Released

Hi Everyone,
As you may have seen on the main page, OVM 2.0 is now available. Please go download it and take a look. Some of the key features of this release:

  • User Guide - The OVM User Guide provides straightforward documentation on all aspects of the OVM, including an extensive review of TLM for verification, guidelines for developing reusable OVM verification components, instructions for building verification tests, and in-depth discussions on the more advanced features of the OVM.
  • Unified sequences - The new unified sequences facility unifies the ideas in the scenarios and sequences facilities in OVM-1.1. The new facility draws from both scenarios and sequences to provide a complete stimulus generation capability.
  • Parametrized object/component class factory -This is accomplished by allowing object handles to be used as keys as well as strings in registration and overrides.
  • ovm_threaded_component deprecated - The functionality previously in ovm_threaded_component has now been moved to ovm_component. Ovm_threaded_component remains as a typedef of ovm_component for backward compatibility.
  • Reorganization of ovm_port and related classes - The organization of the ovm_port_base class and associated helper classes has been simplified, resulting in a large savings in setup and memory overhead. There are no other implications for users or existing user code.
As always, we encourage you to take a look at the new release and let us know what you think. Thanks, The OVM Team